Board Meeting: November 13, 2023 – GFC 3:00 p.m.

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Also present were board members Joe Callian, Kathy Speck. Call-ins: Susan Hawkins, Tracy Paquin (prayer). Absent with notification: Lonnie Allen, Sue Oole. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Any additions to agenda? No

Minutes for October meeting: Motion by Tracy to approve as presented; second by Joe. Passed. Kathy abstained.

Financial report for October: discussed with Rick. Motion by Susan, second by Judi, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and Music:

  1. Cantata – arrangement for recording? Sorry, but no.
  2. Live-streaming alternatives? We would have to contact Alan about this. Tabled.
  3. Thanksgiving Day service – this is at our church with people from Episcopal Church and Holy Cross church participating; Bill Detwiler will be leading singing.
  4. Thanksgiving Day dinner – Judi reported that it is falling into place very well – lots of volunteers.

Old Business:

  1. Michigan Department of Health – no written report
  2. Location of wells and septic onto one map (for our own use) – no report yet

New Business:

  1. Discuss newsletter – tabled until January meeting.
  2. Set date for special meeting in January to work on reorganization of the disbanded Women’s Circle – we will set this at January 8th meeting/zoom meeting and focus on Women’s Circle

Ongoing Business:

  1. Short term goals
    1. Finalize church history document – Judi showed the board what it would like if Ray Geskus contact people could do it. Judi also showed Bob and Alana this and they okay with this.
  2. Long term goals
    1. Events and maintenance
    2. Work out bugs for virtual participation in membership meetings
    3. Exterior building upkeep

Power washing – we got an estimate last year and it was felt that we should contact our church people first about this job.

iv. Job description for minister

Round Robin: None.

Next regular meeting: Monday, January 8, 2024, 3:00 – location?

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting, October 9, 2023 – GFC 3:00 p.m.

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Also present were board members Susan Oole, Joe Callian, Susan Hawkins, Kathy Speck, Lonnie Allen (on phone). Tracy absent with notification. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Welcome to new board members Susan, Joe and Lonnie! Thank you cards were passed out for everyone to sign for Bev and Greg for all they have done to help our board.

Any additions to agenda? No

Minutes for September meeting: Motion by Susan to approve as presented; second by Sue. Passed. Kathy abstained. Minutes of September 26 special meeting: Motion by Susan to approve as presented. Passed. Kathy abstained.

Any comments/corrections on minutes of annual meeting? None

Financial report for September: discussed with Rick. Memorial funds were specifically discussed: Motion by Susan, second by Sue, to put any memorial funds into “donor directed funds.” Motion passed. Motion by Kathy, second by Judi, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and Music:

  1. Community Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service will be held at our church on November 23 at 10:00. Judi will be in contract with Pam O’Brien regarding this.
  2. Christmas Cantata will be on Sunday, December 3rd.

Building Use:

  1. It was decided that our church would like to once again host the community Thanksgiving Dinner. This will be advertised that we would like to do it but we can’t do it without help, and that we would like to know who will help by October 30.

Old Business:

  1. Michigan Department of Health – no written report yet
  2. Location of wells and septic onto one map – no report yet

Ongoing Business:

  1. Church history sample from Ray Geskus – he will have when he comes to Island next week.

New Business:

  1. Organization of Board – Rick took over the meeting at this point
      1. Moderator – Sue motioned that Judi fill that position; second by Susan. Passed unanimously.
      2. Corresponding secretary – Susan made a motion that Kathy fill that position; second by Judi. Passed unanimously.
      3. Treasurer – Judi made a motion that Sue fill that position; second by Lonnie. Passed unanimously.

This concluded the organization of the board, and Rick handed back the meeting back to Judi.

  b. Establish goals for this year

i. Short term

1. Finalize church history document – next meeting

2. Zoom for board meetings – Joe has asked Lori at Historical Society to use their meeting room for our zoom meetings. This will be okay, starting with November 12 meeting. Lonnie with help set up zoom.

ii. Long term

1. Events and maintenance

2. Work out bugs for virtual participation in membership meetings

3. Exterior building upkeep

4. Job description for minister

Other things discussed – More outreach in the community; adding to VBS; evangelistic outreach; more religious activities especially during Holy Week; Bible studies for adults

Round Robin: Judi said that the piano from GFC is now in her house thanks to Joe. Also, Jon Bonadeo donated his used piano to the GFC.

Next regular meeting: Monday, November 13, 3:00 at Historical Society meeting room.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck Recording Secretary


Minutes of Special Board Work Session for Bylaws,
September 26, 2023 – GFC 3:00 p.m.

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order and gave a prayer at 3:10 pm. Other board members present were Greg Lawson, Bev Vicstein, Sue Oole, Tracy Paquin, Susan Hawkins, Kathy Speck.

Judi passed out copies of updated bylaws.

The first amendment is to Article Eight changing it to read: “Every reasonable effort will made to offer electronic participation….”

The second amendment is in Article 5.B: In the first sentence add: “…membership by a seven-member Administrative Board….….”

The third amendment is in Article 5.D: The second sentence should be changed to read: “The terms of office shall be staggered so that two of the seven members expire in year A, two expire in year B., and three expire in year C.”

After this order of business was done, it was decided to have a special meeting of the ladies of the church to discuss the dissolution of the “Women’s Circle” on October 11 at 1:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Record Secretary


Board Meeting, September 19, 2023 – GFC 3:00 p.m.

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. Prayer was given by board member Greg Lawson. Other board members present: Bev Vicstein, Kathy Speck, Sue Oole; Tracy absent with notification. Also present was newly-elected board member Joe Callian and Susan Hawkins (on phone); Lonnie Allen couldn’t be present due to illness. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Bev and Greg’s last regular meeting – THANKS for all you have contributed!

Minutes of August board meeting. Motion by Greg, second by Sue, to approve minutes as presented. Motion passed. Kathy abstained.

A “Draft” of the Annual Meeting minutes was passed out for everyone to look over.

Suggestion for next annual meeting – Agenda, Minutes, Financial Reports available one week before meeting; maybe we can streamline that meeting the same way we try to streamline our monthly meetings.

Financial report for June was discussed with Rick. Motion by Greg, second by Bev, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Building Use:

  1. Elks Burger Night: October 6
  2. Trunk/Treat – October 31, 5:00-6:30. Bev has not heard anything from Theresa of Elks but expects to talk to her soon about this event.
  3. Christmas Bazaar: November 12
  4. Thanksgiving Dinner – discussed whether or not we are going to try to put this event on again. It was felt that if we can get some help other individuals we would try it again as in previous years.
  5. Cookie Carnival: Saturday, December 16

Other notes: Judi asked how the board felt about the job Dan LaFreniere is doing as the custodian of the church building. It is generally felt he is doing a great job and open to suggestions. Also talked about the refrigerator in GFC that needed some maintenance; Chris Harris put some Freon in and has some new parts ordered. The washing machine in the Parsonage recently needed some work done it; an invoice for $161.00 from Charles Brook was paid to him for this service.

Worship and Music:

  1. Updated pastor list – Lee Bracy can’t make here October 29 and November 5 th because he is having some surgery. Steve Miller has agreed to take those spots.
  2. December 24 – Judi will not be here for Christmas. Heidi Bearss will take over. It was decided we will do our Christmas Eve service during our regular Sunday morning service.
  3. Discussion about red hymnals. They are getting very old and worn, and we decided to take them out and replace them with the blue hymnals. Sue has offered to print out and paste the inserts into these blue hymnals.

Old Business:

  1. Bob and Alana Anderson have offered to pay for the cost of printing of the history book. Ray Geskus has taken a USB drive to a printer to give us an example of one possibility how it could be printed.

New Business:

    1. Michigan Department of Health visit:
      1. When was the septic field pumped?
      2. Some exterior faucets will need a back-flow prevention on the top.
      3. Full summary visit will be mailed to us.

After this discussion it was suggested by Joe Callian that the locations of wells and septics on all of our properties be put on a map and then placed onto a DVD

Round Robin:

  • Judi brought up a discussion of her piano at home that uses for practicing at home for church, and that it recently bit the dust. She asked permission to possibly sell the piano from the GFC to her. Motion by Kathy, second by Bev, to donate this piano to Judi for her use. Unanimously approved.
  • Greg brought up a discussion about the need to have info from Charlevoix County Foundation re our investment/endowment. A motion was by Greg to have our Moderator Judi authorize our Business Manager Rick contact the proper person at the Foundation and have him come over to a meeting with us and explain this before our next annual meeting Second by Treasurer Sue Oole. Motion passed.

Special board work session for bylaws: Tuesday, September 26, 3:00 GFC

Next regular meeting: Monday, October 9, 3:00 GFC.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck Recording Secretary



August 28, 2022

Call to order by Moderator Judi Meister at 10:50 a.m. Judi stated we have a quorum for the meeting.  Opening prayer was given by Bob Anderson.

Additions to agenda?  None

Revisit 2021 meeting:

  1. Recording Secretary Kathy Speck read the minutes of the 2020 Annual Meeting as prepared
    by then Secretary Jean Wierenga. Motion made by Tracy Paquin to approve 2020 minutes;
    second by Alana Anderson. Motion passed.
  2. Election of board members (need to appear on ballot again): Greg Lawson ’21, Tracy Paquin
    ’21, Kathy Speck ’21.
  3. Approve Business Manager’s report and approve proposed budget. Rick Speck passed out
    reports and proposed budget to members of the congregation. Motion by Tracy Paquin,
    second by Mary Jane Lawson, to approve both as presented. Motion passed.
  4. Approve determination of financial institution. Motion by Greg Lawson, second by Kim
    Mitchell to approve. Motion passed.
  5. Motion by Bev Vicstein, second by Alana Anderson, to adjourn 2021 meeting. Motion

2022 annual meeting:

  1. No minutes from 2021
  2. Discussion/voting on proposed bylaws changes. Ballots were passed out (counting by Ralph
    Williamson and Kim Mitchell).
  3. Election of board members. Ballots were passed out (counting by Bob and Alana Anderson).
  4. Reports
    1. Business Manager Rick Speck passed out his report and the proposed budget for
      discussion. Motion by Ralph Williamson, second by Bob Anderson, to approve as
      presented. Motion passed.
    2. Moderator Judi Meister read her report – it is attached minutes.
  5. Determination of financial institution
    1. Chair will entertain a motion to recommend that the checking account remain at
      Charlevoix State Bank and that any Beaver Island Christian Church Fund (Endowment Fund) or Beaver Island Christian Church Fund-Grant making (General Purpose Fund) monies be deposited with the Charlevoix County Community Foundation, per the Business Manage and Board Treasurer and approved by the Administrative Board. Motion by Bev Vicstein, second by Tracy Paquin. Motion passed.
  6. Discuss Mission Statement – there were no comments
  7. Bob Kuehne – Church History document. Our church owes Bob a huge thank you for
    working on this. It is almost finished; the board will read over for corrections, etc., and
    hopefully be prepared to accept this at a meeting this Fall.
  8. Election results
    1. Board Members – Greg Lawson ‘21, Tracy Paquin’21, Kathy Speck ‘21, Judi Meister
      ’22, Sue Oole ’22.
    2. Bylaws Articles One, Three, Eight, Nine were approved.

Member comments and/or concerns: Kathy Speck commented that this morning’s sermon by guest speaker Dr. Headley was titled “Faith in the Face of Discouragement”, and she hoped that the members of this church will continue to have “faith” in everything that we do in this church.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 am

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary

Board Meeting

August 14, 2023, 3:00 p.m., Gregg Fellowship Center

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. Prayer was given by board member Greg Lawson (on phone). Other board members present: Bev Vicstein, Tracy Paquin, Kathy Speck, Sue Oole. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Any additions to agenda: None


  1. Kim’s email discussed: Motion by Kathy that we accept Kim’s resignation from the board, with regret; second by Bev. Motion passed.
  2. Letter from Connie Wojan: “I am writing to thank you for once again donating the use of your beautiful Gregg Fellowship Hall for the Annual Rita Gillespie Memorial Blood Drive. The hall couldn’t be better suited to Michigan Blood for blood drive locations: It has the right amount of space, good ventilation, restrooms, access to water and quiet place for the nurses to take their breaks. Finally, it is located in an easy location in town. Because we had such a perfect place to host to the drive, we were able to collect 65 units of critically needed blood. Each unit is spun into its three components: red blood cells, platelets, and plasm, potentially 195 lives were saved because of your congregation’s generosity. Thank you again for providing such an ideal place for the Michigan Blood to perform its lifesaving work. I respectfully request that we could use the Gregg Hall again next year on Friday, July 26, 2024.”

Minutes of July 10 board meeting: Motion by Tracy, second by Greg, to approve minutes as presented. Motion passed. Kathy abstained.

Financial report for June: discussed with Rick. Motion by Judi, second by Bev, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Rick went over the proposed budget for 2023-2024 fiscal year. Motion by Tracy, second by Judi, to accept proposed budget that will be presented to the church members at the Annual Meeting. Motion passed.

Worship and Music:

  1. October 1: Dave Martin
  2. October 8: Justice
  3.  Judi announced that Heidi Bearss will be playing every other Sunday service along with Judi.

Building Use:

  1. September 3: Funeral luncheon for Melvin Napont
  2. September 8: Elks Burger Night

Old Business:

  1. Update for Zoom – Greg said that he will try to follow up with Alan. Greg said that it will definitely will not take place for annual meeting this year.

New Business:

  1. Meeting with Elks re: “rumor”. Rick and Judi met Elks representatives and made it clear that any alcohol use would nullify the contract; Rick made it clear that the liability wasn’t worth the $100 we get for each Burger Night.
  2. Applications for custodian: Applications were discussed. Motion was made by Kathy, second by Tracy, that Dan LaFreniere would fit our needs as the custodian of the church with a 90-day trial period. It was said that he will do a deep clean at first, with the understanding that it might take more than the estimated time at $25.00 an hour for a regular weekly cleaning. He will turn in a time sheet to Rick Speck every two weeks ( for payment. Motion passed.
  3. Discussion re: number of nominees on slate (Discussion only, no decision.)

Round Robin:

  • Bev said that the website is “broken” again. They can’t figure out what is happening.
  • Kathy asked who might help with setup for the church’s 60 th anniversary celebration and
    dinner this coming Saturday, August 19 th . Judi, Bev, Cheryl, Tracy, Alana offered to help.
  • Judi reminded us of her “book” that she is starting to fill up!

Next regular meeting: September 18, 3:00 GFC. Board and Electees (they are officially board members in October).

Special meeting for reorganization of the soon-to-be defunct Women’s Circle: Tuesday, September 26 at 3:00.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck Recording Secretary

Board Meeting

July 10, 2023, 3:00 p.m., Gregg Fellowship Center

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Prayer was given by board member Tracy Paquin. Other board members present: Bev Vicstein, Kathy Speck, Sue Oole; by phone-Greg Lawson. Absent with notification-Kim Mitchell. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager. Visitor-Susan Hawkins.

Any additions to agenda: None

Minutes of June board meeting: Motion by Greg, second by Bev, to approve minutes with typo changes. Motion passed. Kathy abstained.

Financial report for June was discussed with Rick. Motion by Greg, second by Tracy, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and Music:

  1. August 27 and September 3: Pastor Steve Morgan
  2. September 10: Pastor Phillip Smith
  3. Openings on October 1 and 8 – feelers out
  4. Communion Schedule – Judi passed out for board members to sign up. Discussed the possibility of changing how bread and wine is served.

Building and Grounds:

  1. AED – ordered for church through Resale Shop/BIFDA
  2. Thresholds of rugs-tripping hazards. 
  3. A refrigerator for parsonage needs to be ordered. Motion by Tracy, second by Bev, to order a new one. Passed.

Building Use (for information only)

  1. July 14: Elks Burger Nite. Note: Rental agreement in effect; no alcohol consumption on the
    agreement has been hi-lited.
  2. July 29: Celebration of Life for Bev Anderson – 11:30 am at church with potluck afterward at GFC
  3. No times yet for Baroque practices

Ongoing Business:

  1. Nominating Committee: Greg and Bev have presented the following nominees: Susan Hawkins, Joe Callian, and Lonnie Allen.
  2. Anniversary celebration: Kathy reported that she, Judi and Tracy met and discussed the various ideas they have. August 19 th will be a Community Potluck with every welcome. We will get some information out to the media and advertise this celebration.

Old Business:

  1. Zoom for annual meeting – Greg said that he will follow up with Alan shortly and report back.

New Business:

  1. Discuss cleaning expectations – it was decided to merge the list of expectations
  2. Post cleaning position. Now that the cleaning expectations is complete, Tracy and Judi will post this and offer the position to the public at $25.00 per hour weekly.
  3. Set date for special meeting for reorganization of Women’s Circle – Monday, September 25, 3:00

Round Robin:

  • Tracy said the Don Langford has donated an artwork piece called “Jesus Walking the Road to Emmaus”
  • Joe Callian has offered to hang it in the narthex of the church.
  • Kathy asked for permission to use about 50 chairs for a family wedding this weekend.
  • Sue mentioned that she and Marilyn Duda have been talking about putting the right people to gifts within the church; she suggested we to go to “Spiritual Gifts Test” online to see what this is all about.

Next regular meeting: August 14, 3:00 GFC.

Motion by Tracy, second by Bev, to adjourn meeting at 4:45.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Speck Recording Secretary


Board Meeting  June 12, 2023, 3:00 p.m.

Gregg Fellowship Center

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Prayer was given by visiting Pastor Robyn VeltKamp. . Other board members present: Bev Vicstein, Tracy Paquin, Kathy Speck, Greg Lawson, and Kim Mitchell. Sue Oole-absent. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Additions to agenda: Judi asked addition be put in New Business – Setup zoom meeting for Annual Meeting August 27.

Minutes of April board meeting:  Correction: Josh Johnson is October 15 and 22. Motion by Tracy, second by Greg, to approve minutes with changes. Motion passed.

Financial report for May:  Discussed with Rick. Motion by Tracy, second by Bev, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

60th anniversary:

  1. Banner update/Baroque ad – Rene did a wonderful job. There was a motion by Tracy, second by Kim, for the board to purchase a gift certificate for Renee for work she did on this project; motion passed.
  2. Appoint Planning Committee for August Celebration on August 19 th : Kathy offered to be on this committee; Tracy also offered, and Judi to contact previous visiting pastors and other individuals connected with our church.

Worship and Music:

  1.  July: Justice (Alma student)
  2. September 10: Pastor Phillip Smith
  3. Openings on August 27 and September 3 – feelers out to four ministers

Building and Grounds:

  1. June 24: Sustainability Fair
  2. June 27-29: VBS
  3. June 30: Elks Burger Nite
  4. July 17-22: Museum Week Art Show
  5. July 23: chairs rented for Medical Center Donor Event
  6. July 28: Blood Drive
  7. July 30: Opening dinner for Baroque
  8. July 31-August 4: Baroque chorus or piano practice
  9. August 19: Anniversary celebration
  10. Window on back door of Parsonage is shattered. Kim volunteered Ralph to work on this problem
  11. Cart for soup bowls-donated by Community Center – it was suggested that we take the donation

VBS: Judi announced plans are coming along just fine and various people are going to be able to help.

New Business:

  1. Nominating Committee by July 23rd , with final slate is to be presented by August 13th.
  2. Discussion about Elks use of Gregg Fellowship Center
  3. Elks offer of Broaster to GFC. After discussion, Tracy made motion that we do not accept the
    Broaster because of liability and safety purposes; second by Greg. Motion passed.
  4. Zoom meeting for Annual Meeting. Greg will talk with Alan about this. Tabled for now

Round Robin:

  1. Tracy – reminder for forms/Historical Society Art Show.
  2. Kim – received letter from Aiden (the student our church helped to send to Uganda)
  3. Judi – wants to send subscription to Northern Islander to be kept at the Parsonage.

Special meeting: June 19 , 3:00 – bring history document and bylaws with notes of previous discussions

Next Meeting:  July 10

Motion to adjourn meeting by Tracy, second by Kathy, at 5:10 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Speck Recording Secretary


Board Meeting May 15, 2023, 3:09 p.m.
Peaine Township Conference Room

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:09 pm. Prayer was given by Tracy Paquin. Other board members present: Bev Vicstein, Tracy Paquin, and Sue Oole, via phone Kathy Speck, Greg Lawson, and Kim Mitchell. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Additions to agenda: Kim asked about power washing, Hogarth and visiting pastors. Starting time for service was brought up. After brief discussion, everyone voted to keep the service at 10:00.

Minutes of April board meeting: Motion by Bev, second by Tracy, to approve minutes as presented. Motion passed; Kathy abstained.

Financial report for April: discussed with Rick. Motion by Greg, second by Tracy, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

60th anniversary: Banner update; The image is blurry, when blown-up for the banner. Joe has worked the image to try solve the problem. Banner is already paid for, when image is corrected, we will get it within a week

Worship and Music:

  1. Dave Martin can’t come in June. Josh Johnson to do October 15 and 22. There is an opening in September.
  2. Baccalaureate; do it again? Kathy made a motion to reinstate it, second Kim, all in favor.
    Date to be June 4. Sue moved to give out; “God’s Book of Proverbs For Graduates”, instead of Bibles; second Kathy. Motion passed.
  3. Greeter responsibilities: Judi included a list of greeter responsibilities in the bulletin yesterday; copy in minutes. Tracy will type it up.

Building and Grounds:

  1. Cleaning expectations for church: supposed to be every Saturday (entryway, cobwebs on windows, dust windowsills, vacuum floors)
  2. Power-washing quote: $4,935. Tabled. Already paid Hogarth’s $600.00 to spray for spiders.
  3. Schedule of battery changes on smoke detectors.
  4. Elks Burger Nite: May 26

New Business:

  1. Communication between board meetings – Tracy pointed out texts sent out to alert about emails.
  2. Set date for June meeting re: church history and possible Women’s Circle – regular board meeting June 12 and June 19 for special board meeting at 3:00, GFC.

Mission Statement:

  1. Vision Statement(s): Specific ways to accomplish our Mission Statement:  One sentence, easily memorized, able to be understood by a 12 year old.

We strive to demonstrate daily the ways of Jesus and the love of Christ by creating intentional inclusive relationships with all people.

Motion by Kathy, second Bev, Motion passed.

Looking ahead to annual meeting and anniversary celebration. No discussion.

Round Robin: No Discussion

Next Meeting June 12th

Motion to adjourn by Kathy, second Sue, Adjourned 5:28

Respectfully submitted,
Rick Speck, for Kathy Speck Recording Secretary

Board Meeting April 10, 2023, 3:00 p.m., Library Music Room

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Prayer was given by Sue Oole. Other board members present: Kim Mitchell; via phone Bev Vicstein, Tracy Paquin, Kathy Speck. Absent: Greg Lawson.  Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Any additions to agenda: Kim asked if we should discuss Lonnie’s proposal. Judi said that Lonnie has stated that he is working something different now; will use Peaine Township Hall. Also mentioned was the fact that May 15 will be a special meeting to discuss the Church History document and possibly the Women’s Circle.

Minutes of February board meeting: Motion by Kim, second by Sue, to approve minutes as presented. Motion passed; Kathy abstained.

Financial reports for February and March: discussed with Rick. Motion by Tracy, second by Sue, to approve both Financial Reports as presented. Motion passed.

  1. Support live-streaming? One time donation, or quarterly? These were discussed – Motion was made by Kathy, second by Tracy, to offer Joe Moore a stipend of $200 a quarter for this service. Motion passed.

60th anniversary:

  1. Banner to hang outside for 2023; use same picture for ad in Baroque booklet? It was suggested we ask Skylar March take a harbor picture and work with Renee; it was decided that, yes, to do the picture for the ad in the Baroque booklet.
  2. Set date for summer Community potluck gathering. Tentatively set for Saturday, August 19. It was suggested we form a committee in June to plan this.
  3. Other suggestions for celebration. Think about others to invite to this celebration and church service on Sunday.

Worship and Music: Pastor letters regarding boat tickets will be sent out soon.

Community Easter: Elks helped put it on; came off pretty well and probably over 80 people attended.

New Business:

  1. Church cleaning – John and Dan Runberg would be willing to continue to do this each week. Judi will provide the cleaning expectations list to the board and Runbergs. Also, Kathy asked if we have done something as far as a contribution to the Runberg family. It was suggested that a book of Island Airways tickets might be appropriate.
  2. Alma College students will be the on Island at end of April to do community service, and will be doing work around the church or other people’s homes.
  3. Sustainability Fair – June 24 FYI

Mission Statement – Vision Statement(s); specific ways to accomplish our Mission Statement – tabled.

Round Robin: Nothing. Kim asked if there was anything we could do for Deputy Joe. It was discussed – he does not need meals, etc.

Next Meeting: May 8. Special board meeting to discuss by-law amendment (Woman’s Circle) with History document on May 15th .

There be no further business, meeting was adjourned 4:50.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary

Board Meeting February 13, 2023, 3:00 p.m.
Historical Society Conference Room

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:20 pm. Prayer was given by Pastor Robin Veltkamp. Other board members present were Kathy Speck, and Sue Oole via phone. Bev Vicstein and Kim Mitchell via zoom. Also present Lonnie Allen, Robin Veltkamp, and Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Any additions to agenda? No additions.

March schedule for Rick: off-island 12 and 19 Judi: off-island March 5,12,19,26. No meeting in March, Judi will arrange for music, coffee, cookies etc. She will have her cell phone. This meeting must cover church business thru April 10.

Lonnie Allen, asked about use of hall for COA activities and meals If days are available during the week. He may move some activities to GFC. Meals once a month September thru April. BINGO once a month starting in September 2023. Some discussion, no decisions.

Minutes of January board meeting. Motion by Kim, second by Sue to approve minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Financial report discussed with Rick. Motion by Bev; second by Kathy, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

  1. Support live-streaming? One time donation, or quarterly? Offer a stipend, up to $250 a quarter. Mull, no decision.

60th anniversary

  1. Banner to hang outside. Chose blue background, same picture as in Baroque booklet. “Great is thy faithfulness” Welcoming All Since 1963. Motion Kathy, second Sue, Motion passed
  2. Easter Sunday start in Parsonage move to Church
  3. Easter Brunch; ask the Elks, see if they would be interested
  4. Community potluck gathering; Set a date during the week? Kathy suggested we put it off for now

Worship and Music

  1. February 19: Pastor Robin Veltkamp
  2. Good Friday 5;00 service

Prayer Chain – Sue asked when do we take people of the prayer list. Discuss difference between prayer chain and prayer list. Chain is immediate, list is longer term, and on request.

Community Easter Brunch – See discussion above.

Mission Statement Tabled

Round Robin Nothing

Next Meeting April 10

Adjourned 5:00

Respectfully submitted,
Rick Speck for Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary

Board Meeting January 9, 2023, 3:00 p.m. Historical Society Conference Room

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:07 pm. Prayer was given by Sue Oole. Other board members present were Kathy Speck, Kim Mitchell; calling in: Bev Vicstein and Tracy Paquin. Greg Lawson was absent with notification. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Any additions to agenda? Tracy said she would have ideas for our Facebook page for the February meeting.

Minutes of November board meeting. Motion by Kim, second by Tracy, to approve minutes as presented. Motion passed; Kathy abstained.

Financial report discussed with Rick. Motion by Kathy; second by Sue, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and Music:

  1. Updated pastor list for 2023; Judi emailed this board members.
  2. Update information letter to pastors (parsonage occupancy?). Kim said she would like see a
    bio/introduction of pastors. Kathy would like to see the number of hymns cut back to three only (except for special music) to give the pastor more time for his message.
  3. Order of Worship – Sue or Judi to go over this with pastor prior to Sunday mornings, including suggested arrival time.

Short Term Goals:

  1. Jeep; new note for car includes drivers, “ok” with initials. It was suggested that we add in the note that for insurance restrictions drivers of the church vehicle would be the Pastor or spouse, NO EXCEPTIONS. It was suggested that we might treat this car as “rental” vehicle – discussion continued as to what would be the wording put in this note. Judi will make the changes.
  2. Light about the church double doors has been fixed.
  3. Any new short term goals
    1. Guidelines for greeters, e.g., those with children will be told about Sunday School; asked to sign our visitors book; change the hymn numbers and readings page numbers in front of church; ask visitors if we may introduce them in church, ring the bells before church starts, etc., etc. These and other ideas will be presented at February meeting.
    2. How to do a prayer chain? Tracy will work on this for our February meeting.

60th Anniversary Celebration:

  1. Banner? All agreed that yes, we should. Renee Rogers will be contacted regarding this.
  2. Easter Sunday is April 9th . Judi said she will look into the history document for the original Easter service.
  3. Community potluck this summer? Everyone agreed that yes, we would do this.

Church history document:

  1. Schedule a special board meeting to deal with this topic only. Judi asked when everybody will be here to talk about this and get it ready for our anniversary celebration. Everyone (except Greg, who will be asked) agreed on Monday, May 15th at 3:00.

Mission Statement:

  1. Vision Statement(s): specific ways to accomplish our Mission Statement was discussed. Bev is going to forward the statement she came up with last summer to board members to look at again. Will be discussed at February meeting.

Article Five of by-laws: Reorganization of Women’s Circle – It was agreed that this is not a simple solution, and doesn’t have to be done right away. Discussion will be continued at other meetings.

Robin Robin – None

Next meeting: February 13 at 3:00 at Historical Society Conference Room.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting November 14, 2022, Historical Society Conference Room

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:09 pm. Prayer was given by visiting Pastor Robin VeltKamp. Other board members present were Sue Oole, Kathy Speck; calling in was Kim Mitchell, Tracy Paquin, Bev Vicstein, and Greg Lawson. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Minutes of October board meeting. Motion by Tracy, second by Sue, to approve minutes as presented. Motion passed; Kathy abstained,

Financial report discussed with Rick. Motion by Kathy; second by Kim, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and Music:

  1. December 18 is open. Pastor Robin said she would check her schedule and possibly would take it.
  2. Christmas Eve service discussed.
  3. Open dates January and February – Judi has sent out requests to some pastors.
  4. Christmas tree and decorations were discussed; they will be put out week of November 27.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Monday, November 21, 10:30 am, pack Thanksgiving boxes
  2. November 28, December 19: Elks Burger Nights
  3. December 10 – Cookie Carnival

Short Term Goals:

  1. Jeep
    1. Title transferred
    2. New plates
    3. Grant – long ways to go
    4. Letter for inside car (attached to email). Discussed – it was decided that we would like to have Weather Tek mats in the car; Ralph will order.
  2. Job Description for Minister
    1. Judi is forwarding email from Greg Lawson – please print and bring to meeting.
  3. Outside light above church double doors not working – Ralph replaced ballast couple of years ago.  We will contact Rob Turner to try to get it fixed quickly.

Ed Troutman will not be posting on the church Facebook page in 2023; need a volunteer to do this. Discussion about prayer chain/private Facebook page/e-mails; Tracy offered to look into some ideas.

Agenda Items for January:

  1. Reorganization of Women’s Circle
  2. Plans for 60th anniversary celebration(s)
  3. Church history document

Round Robin:
– Greg said we are making great strides; leading the church in right direction.
– Kim said she was happy to see people from the Lighthouse Church attending our services.
– Judi talked about the importance of greeters.
– Sue said that we need to have some discussions about Sunday School for this coming year.

No December meeting; schedule January meeting for the 16th, 3:00, when Greg will be here. Historical Society Conference Room.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



Board Meeting October 10, 2022, Historical Society Conference Room

After problem issues with holding a zoom meeting, Moderator Judi Meister then called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Other board members present were Sue Oole, Kathy Speck, Bev Vicstein, Tracy Paquin; calling in was Kim Mitchell, and Greg Lawson who gave a prayer. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Additions to Agenda: none

Minutes of July meeting: Motion by Bev, second by Sue, to a approve minutes as presented. Motion passed; Kathy abstained.

First reading of minutes of annual meeting. Board discussed and Kathy will make a couple of changes for the final draft.

May Financial report discussed with Rick. Motion by Tracy; second by Judi, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Establish goals for this year:

    1. Short term
      1. Vehicle
      2. Job Description for Minister
      3. Finalize church history document
      4. Get zoom working
    2.  Long term
      1. Reorganization of Women’s Circle
      2. Amendment about this reorganization ready for special meeting in June
      3. Work out bugs for virtual participation in membership meetings
      4. Plan event(s) for 60th anniversary
      5. Long term maintenance outside of building
      6. Outside light of building not working
    3. Ongoing
      1. Vision statements to support Mission Statement
    4. Other suggestions for goals

Church vehicle (short term goals):

    1. Considering Dorothy Willis’s 2009 Jeep Liberty
      1. 80,000 miles – had 55,000 miles on it when purchased in 2012
      2. Trade value and private party value info available at meeting
      3. Carfax report available at meeting
      4. No written data since 2012
      5. Offer from anonymous donor – $3,500 match other donors
      6. Ralph will look at tires and take pictures

Job description for minister (short term goals):

    1. Greg plans to have a draft ready for November meeting

Church history (short term goals):

    1. Document with suggested wording sent with agenda. This was a very long discussion. Among other things, the main thing was to change the name of the document to read: “Celebrating 60 Years of Beaver Island Christian Church.”

Women’s Circle – Events/Maintenance responses to Kim’s email (long term goals):

    1. Quite an extensive list was sent to board members – discussed

Upcoming events:

  1. Trunk/Treat – Monday October 31st
  2. Thanksgiving dinner boxes – Date was set for packing and pickup is Monday Novembers 21st
  3. Cookie Carnival date set for Saturday, December 10th
  4. Christmas Bazaar is November 13

Building Use:

  1. Elks – kitchen for last Saturday’s fundraiser
  2. SAT test: Wednesday, October 12, 8:15-12:30
  3. Elks burger night Monday, October 17

Round Robin:

  1. Audrey VanDyke has asked for use of church piano during week just for an hour or so; will avoid time with others in the building.
  2. Do we need to have chimney swept for winter? It was said that was long we are using seasoned wood we should be okay.

Next meeting: November 14, 3:00, Historical Society Conference Room.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting September 12, 2022, St. James Township Hall

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Sue Oole gave a prayer. Other board members present were Kathy Speck, Kim Mitchell, Bev Vicstein, and Greg Lawson. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Additions to Agenda: Judi suggested that we stick to agenda items – shoot for 4:30 to adjourn.
Minutes of July meeting: Motion by Greg, second by Bev, to approve minutes as presented. Motion passed; Kathy abstained.

Annual meeting minutes? Kathy said that they will be ready for October meeting.

August Financial report discussed with Rick. Motion by Judi, second by Greg, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and Music:

  1. Communion set-up and serve this Sunday – Greg setup, with Kim and Kathy to help serve.
  2. Christmas Cantata 2022 will be December 4 th – Books and CD’s have been ordered and rehearsals will start soon.

Zooming meetings (Tracy)

  1. Enhance internet – there was much discussion on this subject. It was suggested we wait until Tracy obtains additional information. It was also suggested that “zoom meetings are here to stay.”  We need to investigate plans and procedures on how this will work in our meetings.

Building Use:

  1. Power washing – Judi thought that the church entry doors need it now; Greg will check it out. A full power washing for the buildings will be looked at being done next spring by Larry Laurain.

New Business:

  1. Organize with officers for the new year – the business manager Rick was appointed as Moderator at this point in the meeting:
    1. Moderator – Bev made the motion that Judi be re-elected; Sue, second. Passed.
    2. Corresponding Secretary – Greg made motion that Bev be re-elected; Judi, second. Passed.
    3. Treasurer – Kathy made motion that Sue be re-elected; Greg, second. Passed.
  2. Bulletin secretary – Bev has been doing this recently; Sue will be taking over this job.
  3. Rick turned the meeting back over to the Moderator Judi

Ongoing Business:

  1. Reorganizing Women’s Circle – email forwarded (from Tracy). Kim discussed this letter to
    some church members and she will be sending out asking for their response by the end of September.
  2. The church car was discussed. An insert will be put the bulletin each week explaining the ongoing problems with the car and the need to purchase (or have donated) a new or used car.
  3. Church history:
    1. Judi passed out a copy to each board member; asked that everyone read over, be prepared to accept (with typo or punctuation corrections, etc. corrected) at October meeting.
    2. Next step: publication – how many, etc.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Trunk or Treat – October 31 st . Same as other years; Elks club will possibly provide food.
  2. Thanksgiving Dinner was discussed, and we decided we will check with the other churches and do the same as last year and give out boxes of Thanksgiving dinner ingredients to the community members who sign up.

Round Robin: Nothing
Next meeting: October 10, 3:00, St. James Township Hall, 3:00 pm. Bring bylaws and vision statement.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


August 28, 2022

Call to order by Moderator Judi Meister at 10:50 a.m. Judi stated we have a quorum for the meeting.  Opening prayer was given by Bob Anderson.

Additions to agenda? None

Revisit 2021 Meeting:

  1. Recording Secretary Kathy Speck read the minutes of the 2020 Annual Meeting as prepared
    by then Secretary Jean Wierenga. Motion made by Tracy Paquin to approve 2020 minutes;
    second by Alana Anderson. Motion passed.
  2. Election of board members (need to appear on ballot again): Greg Lawson ’21, Tracy Paquin
    ’21, Kathy Speck ’21.
  3. Approve Business Manager’s report and approve proposed budget. Rick Speck passed out
    reports and proposed budget to members of the congregation. Motion by Tracy Paquin,
    second by Mary Jane Lawson, to approve both as presented. Motion passed.
  4. Approve determination of financial institution. Motion by Greg Lawson, second by Kim
    Mitchell, to approve. Motion passed.
  5. Motion by Bev Vicstein, second by Alana Anderson, to adjourn 2021 meeting. Motion

2022 Annual Meeting:

  1. No minutes from 2021
  2. Discussion/voting on proposed bylaws changes. Ballots were passed out (counting by Ralph
    Williamson and Kim Mitchell).
  3. Election of board members. Ballots were passed out (counting by Bob and Alana Anderson).
  4. Reports
    1. Business Manager Rick Speck passed out his report and the proposed budget for
      discussion. Motion by Ralph Williamson, second by Bob Anderson, to approve as
      presented. Motion passed.
    2. Moderator Judi Meister read her report – it is attached minutes.
  5. Determination of financial institution
    1. Chair will entertain a motion to recommend that the checking account remain at
      Charlevoix State Bank and that any Beaver Island Christian Church Fund (Endowment Fund) or Beaver Island Christian Church Fund-Grant making (General Purpose Fund) monies be
      deposited with the Charlevoix County Community Foundation, per the Business Manage and Board Treasurer and approved by the Administrative Board. Motion by Bev Vicstein, second by Tracy Paquin. Motion passed.
  6. Discuss Mission Statement – there were no comments
  7. Bob Kuehne – Church History document. Our church owes Bob a huge thank you for
    working on this. It is almost finished; the board will read over for corrections, etc., and
    hopefully be prepared to accept this at a meeting this Fall.
  8. Election results
    1. Board Members – Greg Lawson ‘21, Tracy Paquin ’21, Kathy Speck ‘21, Judi Meister
      ’22, Sue Oole ’22.
    2. Bylaws Articles One, Three, Eight, Nine were approved.

Member comments and/or concerns: Kathy Speck commented that this morning’s sermon by guest speaker Dr. Headley was titled “Faith in the Face of Discouragement”, and she hoped that the members of this church will continue to have “faith” in everything that we do in this church.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 am

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting August 8, 2022, BIRHC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Tracy Paquin gave a prayer. Other board members present were Kathy Speck, Kim Mitchell, Bev Vicstein; call-in Sue Oole and Greg Lawson. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Additions to Agenda: Tracy suggested we move Minutes of July meeting to this place in agenda.

Minutes of July meeting: Motion by Bev, second by Kim, to a approve minutes as presented. Motion passed; Kathy abstained.

Work on Mission Statement:  Judi passed out a draft of this statement. It was decided that iwould simply be:

Beaver Island Christian Church is a loving, caring, compassionate church where all are welcome.
Our Mission Statement is based on Hebrews 12:15: “Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God.”

Finalize agenda for annual meeting – Discuss quorum – specifically, who can we count. The board felt comfortable with numbers.

Correspondence: The board discussed the withdrawal letter from the church received from David and Sandy Howell.

May Financial report – discussed with Rick. Motion by Tracy, second by Greg, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Budget for 2022-2023 fiscal year proposed and presented by Rick was discussed.

Worship and Music:

  1. Communion set-up and serve for Sunday, August 14
  2. Christmas Cantata 2022 will be December 4th
  3. Sue brought up kids with Sunday School  let the Pastor announce it when it is time for them to go to the Sunday School room during the service.

Building Use:

  1.  July 28, 2023 Blood Drive has been set.
  2. Community Center Gala: they are using kitchen August 10 and 11. Ralph will put up stakes and yellow tape again so that overflow parking does not get on grass (good idea for busy bingo nights too!)

Old Business: Church car – Rick suggested that we to talk to the congregation at annual meeting to let them know that we are really in need of a used, new, or donated vehicle for use by visiting pastors.

New Business:  Membership: Susan McDermott signed Membership book

Round Robin:

  1. Bev has concerns about Bite of Beaver, if they have it. Consensus is we shouldn’t take part in this.
  2. Kim – really like Todd Sutton’s service and the message Sunday
  3. Sue talked about more hand sanitizers and people using them in church

Next meeting: September 12, 3:00, zoom meeting at Historical Society Print Shop. Tracy will work with Lori to see if it works on zoom. Zoom link with be sent to all board; will try by next month.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting,  July 26, 2022, Peaine Township Hall

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order and gave prayer at 3:15 pm. Other board members present were Tracy Paquin, Kathy Speck, Kim Mitchell, call-in Bev Vicstein. Sue Oole, Greg Lawson were absent with notification. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager

Additions to Agenda: None

Correspondence: None

Ongoing Business:

  1. Get ducks in a row for Annual Meeting. Judi and the board made changes to her upcoming announcement to the congregation regarding the annual meeting.
  2. Discussion finalizing the three proposed amendments to the church bylaws. They will be printed on a sheet of paper showing the original and the new proposed amendments and inserted in the bulletin for three consecutive Sundays before the annual meeting.

Minutes from May meeting: Motion by Kim, second by Tracy, that minutes be approved as presented. Passed; Kathy abstained.

May Financial report:  Discussed. Motion by Tracy, second by Bev, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

  1. Worship and music:
    a. Guest speaker for August 21 will be Matt Schantz since Angel Armstrong will not be able to attend.

Building Use:

  1. July29: Blood Drive (GFC)
  2. July 31: Baroque Welcome Dinner (GFC)
  3. July 31: 4:00-5:30 – Festival Choir Rehearsal (church)
  4. August 1: 10:30-12:00, 2:30-4:00 – Festival Choir Rehearsal (church)
  5. August 2: 10:30-2:00 – Festival Choir Rehearsal (church)
  6. August 10: until 5:00 pm: BI Community Center (GFC kitchen)
  7. August 11: until 10:30 pm: BI Community Center (GFC kitchen)
  8. August 19: Elks Burger Night

Old Business:

  1. Car (again!!!!) Discussion about problems with church car. Ideas were to see if anyone would want to donate a car….place a value on price we want to pay for a used car….talk about it with members during financial report at annual meeting.

New Business:

  1. Membership:
    • Susan Hawkins signed Membership Book but won’t be on Island for Annual Meeting.
    • Andrea Moore request to Judi – she wanted to know how she could become a church member

Ongoing Business (continued from above)

    c.  Work on Mission Statement – tabled to next meeting.

Round Robin:

  • Kathy wanted to discuss the Women’s Circle because of tradition August Bake Sale coming up
  • Kim wanted to say how much she liked Joe Fox’s format and music of his recent service.

Next meeting: August 8, 3:00; location TBD.

Motion to adjourn by Kim, second by Judi, at 5:45 pm. Passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



Board Meeting – June 13, 2022, GFC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm; prayer was given by Greg Lawson. Other board members present were Sue Oole, Bev Vicstein, Tracy Paquin, Kathy Speck; call-in Kim Mitchell. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager

Additions to Agenda: None

Correspondence: None

Minutes from May meeting. Motion by Tracy, second by Greg, that minutes be approved as presented. Passed; Kathy abstained.

May Financial report discussed. Motion by Tracy, second by Sue, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and music: Updated pastor list – Judi sent this by e-mail to board members. Robyn VeltKamp was added.

Building Use:

  1. Funeral meal for Phyllis and Lil is June 16; we need to set up after bingo on Wednesday.
  2. June 20: Elks Burger Night
  3. June 25: BI Sustainability Fair
  4. June 28-30 : VBS

Old Business: None

New Business:

  1. Discussion of possible reorganization Women’s Circle into Projects and Events Committee(s) – or whatever we want to call it. The following suggestions were made: We ask various people who know what was done in the past to care of all our buildings; perhaps this committee could be Bob and Alana Anderson, Sandy Howell, former members of WC Rose Spershott, Jean Carpenter; ask Ralph Williamson to help brainstorm; Kim and Judi will work on; a history over the years of activities of the church; changes to bylaws. It was decided to continue this at a special meeting Tuesday, June 21.
  2. Tracy brought up a discussion of possible zoom meetings. Things talked about were: Does our church have a laptop computer – no. We could consider getting one by this winter to have zoom meetings. Rick said this would be a problem with everyone at the meeting seeing one laptop, although we can afford to purchase one. Tracy offered to ask the Historical Society about this process and possibly use their conference room for meetings. A motion was made by Tracy to explore this property to have our September board meeting at their conference room; second by Bev. Unanimous. Greg then made a motion to explore the feasibility for zoom meetings or a purchase of a laptop computer; second by Tracy. Unanimous.

Ongoing Business:

  1. We need to actively encourage new members; suggestions?
  2. Table discussion of Job Description for Minister
  3. Get ducks in a row for Annual Meeting.
  4. Work on Mission Statement. Tabled.
  5. Work on amendments to bylaws – tabled to special meeting on June 21.

Round Robin:  Nothing

Next meeting: July 18; 3:00 at GFC
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck,

Board Meeting May 12, 2022, GFC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm; prayer was given by Tracy Paquin. Other board members present were Kim Mitchell, Sue Oole, Bev Vicstein, Kathy Speck; call-in Greg Lawson. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager

Additions to Agenda: None.  Minutes from April meeting. Motion by Kim, second by Traci, that minutes be approved as presented. Passed; Kathy abstained.

April Financial report discussed. Greg asked if we could get some info on how Foundation Endowment Fund is doing in newsletter. Rick suggested he will do that after the June quarter is ended and will present info at annual meeting in August. Motion by Greg, second by Bev, to approve Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and music:

  1. Updated pastor list – Judi discussed visiting pastor schedule that she sent to board.
  2. Mission Committee report from Sue and Kim: They talked about a young man who is a nephew of Lonnie and Kevin that is raising funds to go a mission trip with a group. They would like him to come to our church possibly on Memorial Day weekend to talk about it to our church members. Kim has said she would contribute the cost of transportation to the Island and Sue would contribute her AirB&B for his family to stay for the weekend. The board discussed that we would have a second offering that Sunday for this mission trip with a match from the mission funds of our church. Other items discussed were the numerous items that Kim has purchased and had for sale that were made by people from Haiti. She would like to sell more of these things and asked if she could set up a table in church. Bev also suggested setting them up in the GFC hall during bingo nights.

Building Use:

  1. Memorial service for Gus Schmidt this Saturday. Memorial service for Carole Bearrs May 21.
  2. Memorial service for Dorothy Willis – June 12 th 3:00 in church; coffee and cake afterwards.
  3. Elks Burger Nights: May 23 and June 20
  4. Baroque dinner on Sunday, July 31.
  5. Community Center Gala is at Gene Masta’s on Thursday, August 11. They would like to rent the kitchen for caterers on August 10 and 11; they are aware of kitchen use for snacks at bingo.

Old Business:  New starter has been installed in church car.

New Business:

  1. Response to David’s letter. After some discussion a motion was made by Traci to rescind the decision to have a special meeting of the church membership on May 29, 2022; second by Kim. Unanimous. After much more discussion it was agreed that we would ask David to meet with the board, possibly on May 29 or his availability, with his ideas on how we might to try to fix the problem of not having a legal quorum at the 2021 annual meeting.

Judi suggested that we discuss the possible reorganization of Women’s Circle Projects and Events Committee(s) – or whatever we want to call it – and invite Mary Jane, Bob and Alana. David and Sandy (any other?) to attend and participate in the discussion. Kim will be calling in; invite Ralph to participate. Tabled for the moment.

Ongoing Business:

  1. We need to actively encourage new members; suggestions? At this point Kim reported on open meeting with other churches on the Island at Holy Cross regarding on how to increase membership. Also a suggestion that Sue offered was a way to start was by inviting everyone to our church’s women’s Bible study by advertising on Joe’s website, Beaver Island This & That, Community Center’s calendar, etc.
  2. Job description for minister – should we schedule a special meeting dedicated to this topic while Greg is on the Island in June? It was agreed.
  3. Work on Mission Statement – tabled due to the late hour.
  4. Work on amendments to bylaws – tabled due to the late hour.

Round Robin:  Judi suggested we look into purchasing a Smart pen such as Jean Wierenga used as a tool for the recording secretary to use when taking notes at meetings.

Next meeting: June 13; 3:00 at GFC Motion to adjourn at 6:00 p.m. by Tracy, second by Bev. Unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



Board Meeting on April 11, 2022 GFC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm; prayer was given by Sue Oole. Other board member present was Kathy Speck. Calling in were Bev Vicstein, Kim Mitchell, Tracy Paquin, Greg Lawson.  Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager

Additions to Agenda: None

Minutes from March meeting (taken by Sue in Kathy’s absence). Motion by Judi, second by Kim, that minutes be approved.

March Financial report discussed. Motion by Sue, second by Kathy, to approve as presented. Motion passed.

Worship and Music: Updated pastor list – Judi discussed visiting pastor schedule. Josh still planning to come. Steve Miller has had surgeries recently; does not think he will be able to come in May.

Easter Brunch : Judi said the planning is coming along okay; has had several people volunteering to help. They are going to just plan around 50 for brunch.

VBS:  Sue told to the Board that they have all materials for this. The dates are June 29, 30, and July 1. Alissa Davis and students will be here to help. Planning is underway for “Monumental: Exploring God’s Grace.”

Old Business: Revise calendar for special meetings re: Josh. It was decided these would be held April 13, April 27, May 12, May 17; all meetings will be held at 3:00 on those dates.

New Business:

  1. Mission statement – the board discussed the document that Judi sent to us summarizing comments she has received and a couple of Mission Statements from bulletins that we can use as a discussion starter.  We asked if Bev could ask for input by May 9 th (our next board meeting) from church members in our next Newsletter.
  2. Church car – Sue said that the battery was dead when trying to use it to pick pastor up from boat. After much discussion, and the fact that now is not a good time to be buying a used car, it was suggested that we get a new battery and fix it now and wait until we find out if a new pastor is doing to be here or not.

Ongoing Business:  Amendments to bylaws. Discussed Article Five. No decisions were made, but will be revisited.

Round Robin: None

Next meeting: May 9; GFC

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting on March 28, 2022, BIRHC

Present:  Moderator, Judi Meister, Kim Mitchell, and Sue Oole.  Calling in:  Tracy Paquin and Greg Lawson; Bev Vicstein called in later.   Rick & Kathy Speck were absent with notification.

Moderator called the meeting to order and 3:10 p.m.; opening prayer given by Sue Oole.

Agenda and minutes of last meeting were approved with no additions/revisions.

It was moved and seconded to accept the financial report as presented; motion passed. 

Worship & Music:

  1. Good Friday service will be on April 15 at 5:30 p.m.

Building Use:

  1. Beth & Joddy Crosswhite are organizing Gus Schmidt’s memorial service     that will be held in the Fellowship Hall on May 14.
  2. Carole Bearss’ service will be held in the church on May 21 at 3:30 p.m.

Information Only:

  1. May 29 Leese and Kendall families will host an event
  2. June 16 is funeral service for Lil in church & GFC
  3. July 1 is an anniversary surprise party for Gary & Candy Conant
  4. No Elks in April

Old Business:

Easter Brunch –  Because of the difference in times of church services on Sunday, it was decided to hold the Easter brunch on Saturday, April 16, at 11:30 am. 

New Business:

  1. Special Meeting
    • On May 29 there will be a special meeting of the church membership to discuss a change in the bylaws related to the issue of a quorum necessary to do business at our annual meetings.  On May 15, the revised amendment will be distributed to members so they will have enough information for a vote.
    • Also, on May 29 draft copies of the church history may be available for those interested in reading it and offering suggestions.
    • Ahead of time, church members will be contacted about the meeting and be asked to let us know if they will attend so we will have necessary numbers for a vote.
    • A discussion was held about increasing our church membership and suggestions included putting something in the bulletin each Sunday about membership and talking, in person, with people we think might be interested.
  1. Offer from Josh Johnson
    • The following meeting dates, at the Peaine Township Hall, were scheduled to discuss the offer from Josh:  April 13 and April 29.  Meetings in the GFC are scheduled for May 12 and 24.
    • We will need to schedule a meeting time to meet with Josh and the date of June 5 was suggested.

Ongoing Business:

Amendments to bylaws: Revisited Article 8 

Round Robin:

  • Meaningful sermon by Alissa Davis on Sunday.
  • Discussed the need for a mission/vision statement
  • Suggestion to set up group email and text messaging for the board.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 pm.

Submitted by:  Sue Oole


Board Meeting February 14, 2022, BIRHC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm; prayer was given by Sue Oole. Other board members present were Sue Oole, Kim Mitchell, Kathy Speck, and calling in were Bev Vicstein and Tracy Paquin. Greg Lawson absent. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager; visitor Pastor Angel Armstrong.

Additions to Agenda: None

Minutes from November 2022 board meeting (no board meetings in December 2021 or January 2022). Motion by Tracy, second by Kim, that minutes be approved. Motion carried. Kathy abstained as recording secretary.

Financial report January (year to date) was discussed with Rick. Rick told the board that he received a letter from Charlevoix County Community Foundation that we had earned $952. Tracy made a motion that we put this $952 back into the Endowment fund; Judi second. Unanimous. Sue brought up our statement concerning our church missions. Ideas were discussed. Sue and Kim volunteered to look into a Missions Committee. Also discussed was a church credit card which will be issued to Alan Vicstein for bingo supplies and refreshments. Motion to approve financial report was made Kathy, second by Judi. Unanimous.

Worship and music:

  1. Updated pastor – Judi passed out list for info only.
  2. Kailonni ideas to discuss for youth of our community – she wasn’t in attendance at our meeting.

Building Use:

  1. Elk Chili Night February 21
  2. Funeral for Carole Bearss Saturday, May 21, 3:30-4:30

Upcoming Events:

  1. Too early to talk about Easter Brunch? Tabled to our next meeting,
  2. VBS – Judi said material is here; going to start planning,

Old Business: None

New Business:

  1. Oven in GFC. It was a nightmare to deal with December’s Cookie Carnival. Ask around to different establishments around the Island to see who deals with this problem.

Ongoing Business to work on By-laws. First, working Article Eight, then Article One, and Article Three. It was decided that Recording secretary will wait until we are finished with all of them before printing them out.

Round Robin: none

Next meeting: March 14; BIRHC
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting November 8, 2021, BIRHC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm; prayer was given by Judi. Other board members present were Sue Oole, Kim Mitchell, Kathy Speck, and calling in were Bev Vicstein, Tracy Paquin and Greg Lawson. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Additions to Agenda: Judi announced that she had talked to Sandy Drost and that Dan had surgery this morning and had a triple bypass.

Minutes from October board meeting. Few changes: Correspondence b. thank you “from” Johnson. Worship and Music c. change sentence to read “Kim also suggested a “faith journey” as a message some Sunday.”  Building Use b. as radical “last” year. Motion by Bev, second by Sue, that minutes be approved with changes. Motion carried. Kathy abstained as recording secretary.

Financial report for October was discussed with Rick. Motion by Greg, second by Kim, to approve as presented. Unanimous.

Worship and Music:

  1. Open dates for December 12 and 26 – the board discussed some ideas.
  2. Christmas Eve service – the board decided we should include the Christmas Eve service into
    December 26th.

Building Use – Elks drive-through burger tonight. Another tentatively scheduled for December 6

.Upcoming Events:

  1. Talked about suggestions for the Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by our Church. Main concensus is that we give out baskets for turkey dinners for anyone in the community that would like one. Judi will discuss this with Tim McDonough at store and see if we can work this out. Judi will ask other churches if they possibly would like to go in on this with us.
  2. Cookie Carnival: It is on December 18th. We are getting donations from some church members for supplies, volunteers to work, etc.

Old Business: None

New Business:

  1. Snow plowing – Jean’s Crew.
  2. Power washing – was suggested we ask Larry Laurain or Runbergs; table until this Spring.
  3. Plan schedule for discussing amendments to current bylaws. We should prioritize which ones to go through first. Rick said we should pay attention to the “quorum” and “call in’s” for meetings.

Round Robin:

  1. Tracy suggested we form a list of duties the Women’s Circle, and succession plans to keep things going. Bev suggested each of us send ideas to her. Tracy said that we are on the new “app” for the Historical Society.
  2. Greg said there a few things our church should concentrate on, for example: new members; who we are, our philosophy, etc.; electronic presence in worship/church update audio/visual center to help with services on Sundays; our own “app” for electronic donations to our church.
  3. Kim suggested we attract younger people to our church.

Next meeting – Monday, January 17, 2022, at 3:30 at BIRHC.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting October 11, 2021, GFC 

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm; prayer was given by board member Sue Oole  before the meeting. Other board members present: Bev Vicstein, Kathy Speck, Tracy Paquin, also  welcoming Kim Mitchell as the newly appointed Women’s Circle representative. Also present Rick SpeckBusiness Manager. Absent: Bob Kuehne. 

Additions to Agenda: Judi talked about the need to power wash the building. 


  1. Email from Bob Kuehne regarding resignation from the board – will be addressed under “New  Business” 
  2. Thank you from Josh and Alesia Johnson 

Minutes from September board meeting: Motion by Tracy, second by Bev, that minutes be approved as read.  Motion carried. Kathy abstained as recording secretary. 

Financial report for September was discussed with Rick. Motion by Bev, second by Tracy, to approve as  presented. Unanimous. 

Worship and Music: 

  1. Gene Drenth – will not be coming this Sunday. Pastor Paul Scaringi has sent us a message/sermon  to be read. 
  2. Additions to November schedule Judi said that Angel Abshear will be here for the 14th and Melody  William for the 21st. She is still working to fill December.  
  3. Kim suggested a “faith journey” as a message some Sunday. 

Building Use: 

  1. Note: Seamus – had their meeting in Peaine Township Hall, and didn’t use the GFC.
  2. Christmas Bazaar: Sunday, November 14, 11-2; precautions, but not as radical as last year. The Food  Pantry will be selling soup and will be using the kitchen for this.  
  3. The Elks will probably have a drive-through in October; no date set yet. 
  4. Judi has been talking with Deb Robert from Holy Cross Church. Deb told her that Father Peter  would like a time to meet with and get to know the Island people once a month. 

Upcoming events:

  1. Thanksgiving Dinner. It was suggested that we take a poll by November 1st to see how many  people would attend, what they would do to help put on the dinner, etc. This poll would be on  Facebook’s Beaver Island This and That, Beaver Island News on the Net, etc. We will decide after  we get answers back. 
  2. The Cookie Carnival. This was discussed and the date is Saturday, December 18.
  3. Kim suggested we work on a project/events committee this winter. 

New Business: 

  1. Re: Bob Kuehne resignation – Motion by Kathy, second by Sue, to accept Bob’s resignation from  the board. Unanimous. Re Kuehne’s replacement – Motion by Sue, second by Kim, to replace  Kuehne with Greg Lawson. Unanimous. 
  2. Organize board for 2021-2022 – at this point Rick Speck took over the meeting.  
    1. Moderator – Motion made by Tracy to elect Judi as Moderator, second by Bev. Unanimous.  
    2. Corresponding Secretary – Motion by Kim to elect Bev as Corresponding Secretary, second by  Tracy. Unanimous. This person will keep notebook of correspondence; Moderator will forward copies of correspondence.  Note: Tracy will address birthday cards in summer, and Sue will do this in the winter.
    3. Treasurer – Motion made by Kathy to elect Sue as Treasurer, second by Judi, Unanimous,  This person will make schedule with Rick for counting collections on Sundays.
  3. Meeting turned back over to Moderator Judi. 

Round Robin: 

Tracy talked about the new App that the Historical Society has on the internet and asked if the church  would like their advertising on it – Yes. 

Bev asked about the 2392/dial-in number for people that need to call in for our meetings at the Health  Center. Judi will check on that. 

Kim asked if we could have the visiting pastors ask for prayers from the congregation rather than just  from Judi and/or announcements. 

Next meeting – November 8th at 3:30 at BIRHC. 

These being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 

Respectfully submitted, 

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting September 13, 2021, GFC 

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm; prayer also given by Judi. Other board  members present: Bev Vicstein, Sue Oole, Kathy Speck. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager. Absent: Satch Wierenga, Ralph Williamson. Visitors present were board members just elected at annual  meeting August 29, 2021, Bob Kuehne, Kathy Speck, and Tracy Paquin. Also present was visitor Pastor Gene Drenth.  

Additions to Agenda: None 

Misc. information: – “remedy”  

Technically speaking we cannot operate based on decisions made at the annual meeting. An advisory remedy: suggested that board members, Ralph and Satch resign before the September board meeting. Then according to the bylaws the  new board members can be appointed to replace them. 


  1. Connie Wojan requesting July 22, 2022, for Versiti Blood to hold another blood drive – approved.
  2. Ralph Williamson: “Because of unforeseen circumstances, I must resign from the Beaver Island  Christian Church board. Effective immediately.” Motion by Kathy, second by Bev, to accept this  resignation. Motion carried. 
  3. George C. Wierenga (Satch): “Because of unforeseen circumstances, I must resign from the Beaver  Island Christian Church board. Effective immediately.” Motion by Bev, second by Judi, to accept  this resignation. Motion carried. 
  4. Motion by Sue, second by Kathy, to accept the recent resignation of Mary Ellen Dawson from the  Beaver Island Christian Church and Board of Directors. Motion carried. 

Based on above: Motion by Bev, second by Sue, effectively immediately, that Bob Kuehne be appointed to fill  the one-year term to fill out David Howell’s position. Unanimous. 

Motion by Judi, second by Bev, effectively immediately, that Kathy and Tracy be appointed to three-year terms.  Unanimous.  

Minutes from August board meeting: Motion by Bev, second by Judi, that minutes be approved as read.  Motion carried. Kathy abstained as recording secretary. 

First reading of annual meeting minutes: It was suggested that we add an insert in the first paragraph: The  notes are advisory votes until remedied at a congregation membership meeting. 

Financial report for July was discussed with Rick. Motion by Judi, second by Sue, to approve as presented.  Unanimous. 

Worship and Music: 

  1. World Communion Sunday, October 3rd– we will hold Communion that date. 
  2. Update on Christmas Cantata – the CD/sound system was discussed.  

Old Business: 

  1. Hogarth’s Service. Judi said that they will do before the end of September. 
  2. Jim Wojan work – will do it when he can. 
  3. Vent in Food Pantry room – on list for John Robert to see what we need to do. 
  4. Doors – Ralph fixed them. 

New Business: 

  1. Church history special meeting in June – Bob and Judi 
  2. Gift certificate to Josh Johnson (wedding gift) to the Lodge. 
  3. Trunk or Treat – outside; ask Paul Niehaus about inflatables; no food. 
  4. Thanksgiving Dinner – we will plan, see what happens, take precautions 
  5. Request form Seamus Norgaard to hold another meeting of the Beaver Island Sustainability Fair at  Gregg Fellowship Center on Saturday, October 9. Motion by Kathy, second by Tracy, to allow this  use at the same rate as last year which was a $200 refundable deposit / charged $200 fee.  Unanimous. 
  6. Paint exterior doors of GFC and church – Table until next spring.  

Round Robin: Bob asked if we could give prayer for Kathy’s upcoming appointments with Henry Ford Hospital in  Detroit. Kathy really appreciated that. 

Next meeting: October 11th at 3:30. 

These being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:20. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm; prayer also given by Judi. Board members present: Bev Vicstein, Mary Ellen Dawson, Sue Oole, Ralph Williamson, Kathy Speck. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager. Absent: Satch Wierenga.

Additions to Agenda: None

Correspondence: Letter from Connie Wojan thanking the church for use of the GFC for the Blood Drive.

Minutes from July meeting: Motion by Judi, second by Mary Ellen, that minutes be approved as read. Unanimous. At this point Judi announced that the discussion about Steve Miller is a mute point because he is getting married soon and will be leaving the Island.

Financial report for July was discussed with Rick. Motion by Bev, second by Sue, to approve as presented. Unanimous.  Proposed budget was discussed with Rick, specifically the substantial donation recently given to the church. Ralph suggested putting $70,000 at the Community Foundation: $40,000 in to the Grant Making Fund and $30,000 to the Endowment Fund. Board agreed and motion made by Bev, second by Kathy, that we make change in the proposed budget. Unanimous.  It was decided to keep $22k in the general fund.

Worship and Music:  Communion schedule was passed out by Judi again for fill up empty spots.

Building and Grounds:

  1. Hogarth’s Service Report. He suggested that we put three bait boxes at a cost of $150 on each side of the parsonage, and suggested that they be put in the Fall. Motion by Bev, second by Judi, to accept this suggestion. Unanimous.  Also, Ralph made the motion that we ask Jim Wojan Excavating to do tree trimming around the parsonage; second by Sue. Unanimous.
  2. Bob Bass was recently looking at the entry doors of the church; they still don’t seal very well (probably concrete settling). Ralph said he will look into it.
  3. Quite a discussion took place about everyone noticing things at need to be done in and around the church; please write them down and submit those things to the board.
  4. Mary Ellen brought up cleaning of the GFC after uses, especially the bathrooms. It was suggested that maybe Runbergs might do this? She also brought up that church car should be cleaned in and out after every use by the visiting pastor and families. Judi will write these instructions out.
  5. Elks pulled-pork nights: August 16 and 30. We need to tell them there should only be one car line on street since they have held up traffic coming from the other way – Judi will talk to them.
  6. The door stopper on the GFC door was broken after the Art Show – Ralph generously offered to fix it.

Old Business: Regarding the smoke detectors discussed at July meeting, Ralph said it was cheaper to buy three than two packs – 840 feet range.

New Business:

  1. Report from Nominating Co-Chairs was passed out by Judi. Motion by Bev, second by Sue, to accept this list of nominees. Unanimous.
  2. Annual meeting agenda – Judi stressed the need to have a quorum at this meeting. Judi will announce at the Sunday’s service.

Round Robin:  None

Next meeting: September 13th at 3:30.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



August 30, 2020 

Meeting was called to order and quorum established by Moderator Judi Meister. Opening prayer was given by Greg Lawson. 

Additions to agenda: None 

Member comment: Ruth Gregg referred to a letter she has written to our church membership concerning why our church has been part of offering Bingo and Trunk or Treat to our Beaver Island community. Ruth did not read the letter, and then left the meeting. Judi read the letter. Motion by David Howell, second by Alana Anderson, that we move on to the next agenda item of the meeting. Motion carried. 

Minutes of August 25, 2019 annual meeting were prepared by Jean Wierenga, Recording Secretary at the time, and read by Kathy Speck. Motion by David Howell, second by Ralph Williamson, to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried. 

Election of Board Members: There are three board openings and three nominees. Motion by Rick Speck, second by Bob Anderson, that Judi Meister and Bev Vicstein, incumbents of the board, fill the two three year positions, and Sue Oole fill the two-year position to finish Jean Wierenga’s term. Motion carried. 


Women’s Circle: Mary Ellen Dawson, gave the following report: 

  • Bake sale 2019 brought in $954.77 with matching funds to make a total of $1,909,77. 
  • Bite of Beaver “Heavenly Desserts” brought in $404. 
  • Trunk or Treat donations totaled $95. 
  • Thanksgiving Dinner, where over 65 people attended, took in $169 in donations. Mary Ellen thanked the many volunteers and McDonough’s Market for donating the turkeys for this annual event. 
  • The Cookie Carnival had many helpers who made over 150 dozen cookies and took in $1,200.00! 

Covid really affected our usual activities for the rest of the year: The community Easter Brunch was cancelled, the church cleanup day was accomplished in a different way this year, and the Summer no-bake Bake Sale brought in a total of $1,740 including matching funds. 

Moderator’s report: Judi highlighted many of the events of the past year. Complete report below.

August 30, 2020

This report will highlight some of the events of the past year. More in-depth information can be obtained from the minutes of the monthly board meetings, which Bev Vicstein posts on the church website as soon as they have been approved at a board meeting. Bev also puts items from the bulletin onto the website on a weekly basis. Thank you, Bev, for your consistently great work on the website. And, of course, anyone is welcome to attend board meetings as a visitor.

Ed Troutman keeps the church Facebook page updated with weekly posts, mentioning visiting pastors and special events. Thank you, Ed.

Bev also graciously accepted the responsibility of sending out a monthly newsletter highlighting events in the upcoming month. Thanks, Bev, you do an awesome job!!—this helps all of us to know what’s happening next!!

This year marked the 57th year of Beaver Island Christian Church as a church family, as a loving, caring community of believers, as an active participant in the community where we live. God has been faithful for more than 50 years; the past several months have reminded us that our God is a faithful God whose mercies are new every morning; and we go into the future trusting that God will continue steadfast and unchanging, “The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day” (Lam 3:22-23)—therefore we have hope—Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good, to give you a future and a hope.”

Each week of our lives, no matter how busy we might be, begins in God’s house in meaningful worship. We have been blessed and encouraged and challenged this past year by many visiting pastors. Our God has been faithful in sending the right person at the right time to lead our worship service. And even though worship doesn’t look or feel the same right now, we know our God is still the same—and He is pleased when we gather together in His house to worship Him.

Last fall the weekday Bible Study was moved to Sunday mornings, an hour before the worship service, with the visiting pastor as the leader. We were working our way through the heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 13 until Covid-19 interrupted gathering together. Also, Sue Oole has been leading a Thursday morning Bible study for women of the church and community,

Other church activities this past year included the return of the Christmas Cantata directed by Kathy Speck, the Thanksgiving dinner and the Women’s Circle Cookie Carnival. The Easter Brunch and the Baccalaureate service for the 2020 graduates of BI Community School also fell victim to Covid-19 restrictions.

Smaller, but equally important, activities were the Tuesday morning men’s coffee and other small gatherings of our church family.

But we, as a church, also have a responsibility to our community. We do not exist in a vacuum. We are more than a church family; we are part of a community family as well.

The Food Pantry, a community Food Pantry housed in the Gregg Fellowship Center, fills an important need in the community. The monthly distribution consistently assists 9-15 individuals or families.

The Food Pantry became very busy this winter when many of the Island workers were suddenly unemployed. For several months the caseload almost doubled. Fortunately, we were also able to continue the holiday distributions at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, providing supplies for a holiday dinner.

The Food Pantry is funded completely by donations of food and cash and by Fundraisers.

This year, we were extremely fortunate to be beneficiaries of the first Polar Plunge which took place on Thanksgiving Day. Pledges from that event gave us the cushion we needed to be able to meet the food needs of Island families throughout the winter. This is another evidence of a faithful God whose mercies are new every morning—fulfilling a need before we were aware of that need!! For several years, the Food Pantry staff has provided a soup luncheon at the Christmas Bazaar for a free-will donation.

Current Food Pantry Committee members are Beth Croswhite (school), Marty Hathaway (Lighthouse Fellowship), Judi Meister (Christian Church) Chris Heikka and Cynthia Pryor (members at large).

Vacation Bible School did not happen this summer. Plans for next summer’s VBS are underway, using the Rocky Railway theme: “Jesus’s Power Pulls Us Through”. Dates for next year’s VBS and the Tuesday-Thursday before the Fourth of July.

Work continued on compiling a written history of Beaver Island Christian Church. Most of the document has been written; some revisions are still being made. We had hoped to have the document ready for presentation at this meeting; we will keep you informed when we have an updated timeline.

Throughout its existence, Beaver Island Christian Church has been a congregation of volunteers, a congregation of God’s servants—doing what needs to be done as a service to Him.

Almost every aspect of church life is dependent on volunteers—almost every aspect. Stop a minute to make a mental list of the many, many, many things that are done by volunteers.

We truly are a congregation of volunteers, a congregation of God’s servants.

In first Corinthians 12:5-6 we read “There are different kinds of service in the church, but it is the same Lord we are serving. There are different ways God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work through all of us.”

In this vein of volunteerism as God’s servants, I once again add two comments:

First of all, ALL OF US can volunteer to do something; God has given each of us gifts or talents that we can use in His church. Quite often it is the same people who volunteer time and time again; God can use each one of us in some capacity.

Second, let’s not forget to say thank you. 

No one does something as God’s servant expecting a thank you, but that does not mean that he/she does not appreciate a thank you. Each of us can participate in this way also. A heartfelt thank you is a blessing to both the receiver and the giver.

As a congregation, we thank the worship leaders, the music leaders, those who provide special music, those who lead responsive readings or serve as greeters, those who teach Sunday School, those who serve coffee and cookies, those who work behind the scenes to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible.

Let me introduce the board:

      • Mary Ellen —Women’s Circle representative; also addresses and mails the birthday cards, thinking of you cards, and get well cards.
      • Bev Vicstein
      • Satch Wierenga
      • Ralph Williamson
      • David Howell
      • Rick Speck who was appointed to fill the vacancy until today’s meeting, abstaining from votes directly related to finance

As board moderator, I thank each board member for your faithful and careful service, your prayerful concerns, your thoughtful insights as we discuss church matters large and small. God is using each of you for His purpose for Beaver Island Christian Church.

Many of you pray for this church on a regular basis. As moderator and board, we thank you for your prayers as we make decisions regarding church matters. And we would like to remind you that since this is YOUR church—the board is always open to your suggestions. Feel free to share your thoughts or concerns with any board member at any time and rest assured that we will discuss that concern at a board meeting. And remember, you are welcome to attend board meetings at any time as a visitor.

Please continue to pray for Beaver Island Christian Church, for our church family, for our visitors, for the community in which we live and whom we try to touch with our love and caring outreach.

Respectfully submitted,

Judi Meister, Board Moderator

August 30, 2020

Business Manager, Rick Speck called attention to the written reports and discussed them with the membership.

Presentation of Proposed Budget: Rick Speck presented the proposed budget for 2020-2021. Motion by Bob Anderson, second by Mary Ellen Dawson, approved the financial report and proposed budget as presented (with incorrect page 6 removed). Motion carried. 

Determination of Financial Institution:  Chair will entertain a motion to recommend that the checking account remain at Charlevoix State Bank and that any certificates of deposit shall be placed in a financial institution recommended by the Business Manager and Board Treasurer and approved by the Administrative Board. Motion by Bob Anderson, second by Mary Ellen Dawson, to approve this recommendation. Motion carried. 

Member comments and/or questions. 

Motion to adjourn 12:05 p.m. by Larry Dawson and seconded by Bob Anderson. Motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



Board Meeting July 12, 2021, GFC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Opening prayer by Pastor Lee Bracey. Other board members present: Bev Vicstein, Mary Ellen Dawson, Sue Oole, Ralph Williamson, Kathy Speck will be later. Also present Steve Miller, and Rick Speck, Business Manager. Absent Satch Wierenga.

Additions to Agenda: Internet and Sunday School

Correspondence from Steve Miller re “winter pastor thoughts” that e-mailed to the board. Discussed this including the idea that he would like to stay here; also would need a salary, looking for 20 hours per week. Ralph asked about exploring and getting younger members. The board will think about this and throw out some possibilities.

Minutes from June meeting: Add: Motion by Mary Ellen, second by Bev, that minutes be approved with additions/changes. Unanimous.

Financial report for June: presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by Ralph, second by Judi, to approve as presented.

Worship and Music: Communion schedule was passed out by Judi for board members to sign up. 

Vacation Bible School: Sue announced that it was very successful. Even though there weren’t as many kids as other years, it led to more interaction between the kids and the leaders. There was positive feedback from the community.

Sue talked about the serious need for a regular Sunday School plan and a need for a team of leaders. This will be discussed more.

Women’s Circle: Mary Ellen – The No Bake, Bake Sale for this year was discussed and it will follow the same format as last year.

Building and Grounds:

  1. Art Show at GFC – July 22-23; Lois Stipp will be in charge of setting up July 19-20. They will put out donation jar hoping to get $250 to be given to our church for use of the hall.
  2. Baroque welcome dinner Sunday August 1 at /GFC. We will get a full page ad in their program for this use. Practices in our church sanctuary will take place July 30-August 3.
  3. Ralph mentioned that he is still wondering why Great Lakes Energy still has not put in the peak meter in the parsonage.

Old Business:

  1. The stakes (8) will be put in at utility shed – at church Sunday Judi will ask for volunteers to set them.
  2. Smoke detectors. Ralph has looked into this and recommends long-life batteries, 5-year interconnecting. The cost is $160 per 6-pack; we will need 2 packs. Motion by Bev, second by Sue, to have Ralph purchase these. Unanimous. 

Nominating Committee: There was a discussion of congregational members of committee.

New Business:

  1. Ralph talked about the junk e-mail that is showing up on the internet. He pointed out that our church website has our board members e-mail addresses on it; suggests that we take them off. The board agreed and Bev will take them off immediately!
  2. Judi asked for thoughts from the board regarding Steve Miller’s e-mail. All agreed we should about it for a while.

Round Robin: Ralph explained his reasons for not running for a board member this year, and that he has been on the board for six years of service.

Next meeting: August 9th at GFC (will discuss budget for annual meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting June 14, 2021 GFC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Opening prayer by Mary Ellen. Other board members present: Bev Vicstein, Sue Oole. Also present Rick Speck, Business  Manager. Absent, Ralph Williamson and Satch Wierenga.

Additions to Agenda: Bev would like to discuss COVID wording under New Business.

Correspondence: Ed Troutman said he and Linda have sold their home on Beaver Island. Please withdraw our membership with BICC.

Minutes from April meeting were read, there was no May meeting. Motion by Bev, second by Mary Ellen, that minutes be approved as presented. Unanimous.

Financial reports for April and May were presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. They were approved.

Worship and Music:

  1. Communion schedule for the summer.
  2. Updated pastor list – for info only.
  3. Cantata – Kathy reported we will have one, and the board decided there would be only one performance. It will be on Sunday December 5th.
  4. Mary Ellen, wondered if we should keep cookies on the menu after the service. It was decided we should keep them.
  5. Kathy suggested that we eliminate the 4th hymn during the service, for time reasons. This
    action was approved.

Women’s Circle: Mary Ellen

  1. The bake sale was discussed. This year Alana and Sandy cannot be in charge of it, and it was
    decided that Mary Ellen, Bev, Judi and Kathy will handle it.
  2. The mice problem in the Parsonage was discussed. It was suggested that Hogarth’s could do a walk-through the building and point some problems.

Building and Grounds:

  1. No quilt retreat with Bev Anderson June 10-13, two scheduled for September (8-12),
    (22-26), two in October (13-17) and (20-24).
  2. Elks Burger Night June 21st.
  3. Parking lot improvement by Elks, green stakes will be placed along driveway to keep traffic
    off the yard.
  4. Church grounds clean-up will June 22nd, or alternate day June 23.
  5. 100 chairs rented for June 26th wedding.
  6. The food pantry room needs to be vented. Could a vent be put in the door? We will look into
    it possibly vent to outside thru wall.

VBS:  Judi and Sue reported that it will be held June 29 – July 1, with kids aged 6-12. They will hold classes outside as much as they can. Flyers will be put out to invite kids.

Old Business:

  1. Smoke detectors
  2. Ad in Northern Islander.
  3. Welcome bags will really be pushed this year. Having them all made-up already will help.
  4. Postcards sent out to new members, we will work on it.

New Business:

  1. Appoint replacement for David until Annual meeting. After discussion it was suggested that
    Kathy should be appointed. Motion by Bev, second Sue. Unanimous. Resignation is accepted.
  2. Nominating Committee
    1. At least one board member, and at least two church members, who are not on the
    2. By July 25, present slate of nominees to the board.
    3. Slate presented to congregation on August 1, additional nominees can be suggested in
      writing to Nominating Committee within specific time frame (TBA)
    4. Final slate presented to congregation August 15.
    5. Annual meeting August 29.

c. Bev would like to change wording re-covid on the website. It was decided to keep the wording the same as it is in the bulletin each week.

Round Robin: None

Next meeting: July 12th at GFC.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5.45

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting April 12, 2021, BIRHC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. Opening prayer by Susan. Present: David Howell, Satch Wierenga, Mary Ellen Dawson, and Sue Oole. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager

Minutes of March meeting approved as distributed, with correction. Motion by David, second Mary Ellen

Financial reports for March presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by Judi, second by Sue

Worship and Music:  Will have a new minister for next week the 18th, Drew Filkins, a friend of Dan Johnson

Women’s Circle Report: Nothing to report.

Building Use: 

  1. BICS testing Tuesday April 13th, 7:30 to 1:30, in the hall. Beth and four students.
  2. Bev Anderson using hall for quilt retreat June 36, $50.00 per day rent.
  3. Bev Anderson using hall for quilt retreat June 1013. $50.00 per day rent.
  4. Gus Schmidt: Planning his own funeral, upon his death. No charge for the church, Donation for use of hall. Motion by David, second Satch.
  5. May 5th first scheduled Bingo, second May 19th, then weekly starting in June

Building and Grounds: 

  1. David said that smoke detectors in hall need to be replaced. A smoke detector should be put in the pantry. Ralph is trying to setup a connection between the smoke detectors in the hall and the church. If the detectors go off in either building, both sets should be activated.
  2. Parking Lot; The Elks may try level out and bring in crushed stone for the hall parking lot. Patrick thought that Richie being an Elk, he might provide the stone. Board, is not so sure.

Old Business: 


  1.  Northern Islander; Cynthia quoted the Dominator at $97 per month for 3 months. The Economy Grabber at $78 per month for 3 months. Ads would run June, July, and August. Decision by May 10th, copy to be in by May 15th. Subcommittee of David and Judi to create mockup.
  2. Should we buy ads on the Emerald Isle. Sue mentioned that the people who brought the Emerald Isle motel and other rental properties, might put out our rack cards

New Business: None 

Round Robin: Sue said that she was reading Chicken Soup for the Soul. She ordered a few copies of Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul. She would like to order some for the church to have on hand to give out. The benevolent fund could sponsor this purchase

Next meeting: May 10 at GFC

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:32 

Respectfully submitted

Rick Speck, Acting Recording Secretary


Board Meeting March 8, 2021, BIRHC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. Opening prayer by pastor Bracey. Present: David Howell, Satch Wierenga, Ralph Williamson, Sue Oole and Bev Vicstein on the phone.  Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

“Dream” Pastor Bracey dream for the church, continued under New Business.

Minutes of February meeting read. Motion by Susan to approve as read, second by Ralph. Unanimous.

Financial reports for February presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by David, , second by Ralph. Motion carried.

Worship and Music:

  1. Communion scheduled for March 21. Need volunteers to setup. David volunteered himself and Sandy. 
  2. The Good Friday service will be held at 4:30.
  3. No Minister for 4/11, so far.

Women’s Circle Report: 

Easter Brunch; David made a motion that the Easter Brunch be cancelled, and we hold a community appreciation dinner after the emergency is over. 

Building and Grounds:

  1. The Elks burger night is 3/10, Sue will open the hall at 1:00, leave a single key and pick-up the check.
  2. The Elks want to hold their initiation on March 20th. They believe they would have about 45 people attending. David made a motion that hall not be used for the March initiation, second by Sue. Motion passed.                  

 Old Business: None

New Business: 


  1. Lee Bracey; What you see is what you get. His dream is that as emergency rolls back, visitors will return and snow birds will all come back.
  2. Ralph; Wants to add new younger members, we are a very old congregation. Need to draw in younger people. May need younger ministers.
  3. Judi; Who would we contact to find out what the younger generation wants to see in a church. Each generation seems to be less into church going.
  4. Sue; We have gotten away from Sunday, is the Lords day.  We need to reach out to newcomers
  5. Lee; Could recommend a few younger ministers, to rotate into the mix.
  6. David; Believes we need to reach out to the large number of new members of our community. He also thinks that the covid emergency affects our attendance.
  7. Bev; Thinks we should send post cards, to new community members. Put post cards on Facebook.
  8. David; said maybe we should put something in the Northern IslanderSatch; Believes that the best way is a personal, one on one approach.

Round Robin: None

Next meeting: April 12 at GFC.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 

Respectfully submitted,
Rick Speck, Acting Recording Secretary


Board Meeting February 8, 2021, BIRHC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. Opening prayer by Judi. Also present: Mary Ellen, David Howell, Satch Wierenga, Ralph Williamson, Sue Oole and Bev Vicstein on the phone.  Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Minutes of January meeting read. Motion by Mary Ellen to approve as read, second by Ralph.  Unanimous.

Financial reports for January presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by Ralph Williamson, second by Bev. Motion carried.

Worship and Music:

  1. The pastor list is pretty much as previously presented. The entire month of March will be
    covered by Lee Bracey.
  2. Sue asked about Good Friday. Judi said that Gene would be here to conduct the service
    at 4:30.

Women’s Circle Report By Mary Ellen. Parsonage humidity is low at 20 or 25%. Mary Ellen brought a humidifier from home. Ralph wondered what the humidity should be. He said that it should not be more than 40%, he will check it out.

Building and Grounds:

  1. The Elks are asking to use the GFC again on March the 10th for their Burger Night.
  2. The Elks would like to hold an initiation on March 20th. There was discussion about how
    many people could be in the building under the Covid guidelines. David checked it out
    online. His research produced a limit of 25 people. The Elks would have two or more
    meetings, to accommodate the number people to be initiated. They would hold the meetings between 12:00 and 4:00.
  3. Mary Ellen said the drywall patches and the taping under the windows in the GFC are opening up. Do we want to have it checked out, and or repaired. David suggested we keep an eye on it, but with it not being structural, repair can probably wait.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Round Robin: Bev said the website is not working. Malware got into the website. Bev cannot make changes. The virus centered on the calendar function. Alan has purchased a new security program to solve the problem.

Next meeting: March 8th at BIRHC.

David wondered if we could try Facetime with Bev, and hold the meeting at the GFC. The board agreed to try that option.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:28.

Respectfully submitted,

Rick Speck, Acting Recording Secretary


Board Meeting January 11, 2021, BIRHC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Opening prayer by visiting minister Lee Bracy. Also present: Mary Ellen, Sue Oole, and Bev Vicstein on phone. Absent with notification David Howell and Ralph Williamson. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.
Minutes of November meeting read. Motion by Judi to approve as submitted, second by Sue. Unanimous.

Financial reports for November and December: presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by Mary Ellen, second by Bev. Motion carried.

Worship and Music:

  1. Judi presented the Pastor list for 2021, broken out by week, and showing the open dates. She said that Karl Hinkle, would probably not be coming this year. Chris Bass, (Bob Bass’ son) will probably take one of the open dates.
  2. There is a possibility that Joe Moore can live stream our services, because of a change in the times of the Holy Cross services.
  3. Judi asked that the Board members, take time to “Like” or “Share”, Ed Troutman’s
    posts on Facebook of Beaver Island Christian Church services.

Women’s Circle Report: By Mary Ellen

  1. Parsonage has a mouse and possibility of weasel problem. She would like to get an estimate from someone to drywall the ceiling and one wall of furnace room this winter. She will email the ladies of the Women’s Circle to approve this expense.
  2. Mary Ellen and David Howell have discussed the lack of people providing cookies for after
    church services. No solution suggested at this time.

Old Business:

  1. The board discussed the draft letter Judi will send to the Lighthouse Fellowship members.
    The consensus was that a sentence should be added to the letter, stating that during this time of Covid, and the complications caused by it, we welcome you to join us on Sunday mornings.
  2. Church history: Judi is working on it this winter.

New Business:

  1. Discussed the possibility of conducting board meetings using “Zoom”. It was generally felt that “Zoom would not work for us. We would need a better internet, then is currently available on the island. Also, we need to be in the same room, for the best communication. If we maintain social distancing and wear masks, the in person meetings should be safe.
  2. The Bingo license needs to be submitted by the end of February.

Round Robin:

  1. Sue asked how long the chain has been up across the entrance from Pine Street? She felt it comes across as not “friendly. It was explained, that in the winter the entrance must be blocked, to keep vehicles from driving frost into ground and freezing the waterline. In the summer, the chain keeping cars from taking a shortcut from Pine to Kenwabikise or McDonough Road.
  2. Judi mentioned using GFC in case of a major disaster, as was discussed with Tammy Radinoff of the BIRHC, at our last meeting in November. The board does not think our hall could be a designated shelter for a disaster plan, but we would do whatever we needed to do to help our community.

Next meeting: February 8th at BIRHC.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15.

Respectfully submitted,
Rick Speck, Acting Recording Secretary

NOVEMBER 2020 Board Meeting

Board Meeting November 19, 2020, BIRHC

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Opening prayer by Mary Ellen Dawson. Also present: Ralph Williamson, David Howell, Sue Oole, Satch Wierenga, Bev Vicstein on phone. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager.

Minutes of October meeting. Motion by David to approve as submitted, second by Mary Ellen.

Financial report for October was presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by David, second by Ralph. Motion carried.

Worship and Music:

  1. December worship leaders. Judi mentioned that worship leaders are really hard to find this time. Gene Drenth will be here December 6th.
  2. Dan Johnson will have a recorded message on U-tube for the 13th.
  3. Christmas Eve service. After some discussion, David made a motion, that we will not
    have a Christmas Eve service, second by Judi. Motion Unanimous.
  4. Any changes re:-in-person worship? We should be consistent, agreed to continue with
    current setup.

Women’s Circle:
Mary Ellen reported on how the Cookie Carnival is going to run this year. Orders will be taken and the day of the sale will be carry out only.

Building Use:

  1. Tammy Radinoff of the BIRHC asked the board if the Fellowship Center might be used in the
    case of a major disaster. A discussion with the board followed. The discussion ended when David suggested that the GFC doesn’t have adequate power and water supply, or a generator. He pointed out that Peaine township hall could be used, if a generator was provided.
  2. Received a request from Elks Club-Beaver Island Auxiliary to hold a fundraising event at GFC. After discussion, David made a motion to allow this Burger night with use of the kitchen for $100.00, with the provision that the event was for charity. If the funds were to go to the local lodge, then the rent would be $200.00, Judi second. Vote unanimous.

Old Business:

  1. Snow plow bid – Lori & Perry’s crew $72.00 per hour.
  2. No Thanksgiving Day service.
  3. Windows for the parsonage will be here Friday. Charlevoix Glass is sending a guy over Monday to do the work. ( They will only be replacing the glass).
  4. Invitations to Lighthouse members to be sent, mid-December, inviting them and listing January worship leaders.

New Business: None

Round Robin: Sue is donating the cost of materials for the Women’s bible study.

Next meeting: Moved to January 11th at BIRHC.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



Board Meeting October 12, 2020, Gregg Fellowship Center 

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Opening prayer by Mary Ellen Dawson, Also present: Bev Vicstein, Ralph Williamson, David Howell, Sue Oole, Satch Wierenga. Also present Rick Speck, Business Manager

Welcome to recently elected board member Sue Oole. Thank you to Rick Speck outgoing board member

Additions to agenda: Posting about Thanksgiving Dinner

Minutes of September meeting. Motion by David to approve as submitted, second by Mary Ellen. Unanimous

Second reading of draft annual meeting minutes. 

  1. Attach letter from Ruthie? No
  2. Attach Moderator‘s report than summary by Recording Secretary? Yes
  3. Attach Womens Circle report? Yes 

Financial report for September was presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by Bev, to approve as submitted; second by Mary Ellen. Motion carried

Worship and Music: 

  1. Suggestion from Bev: Bev discussed with the board a way to invite Lighthouse Church members to worship together with our church. The board discussed and decided that we would send them individual postcards inviting them to join us for worship including our service times, who is leading the service, etc., etc. (Sue Duram from Lighthouse Church gave Judi the names of their church members.
  2. It has been requested a Community Thanksgiving Service be held in our Church. This was discussed and that Judi would talk to Father Jim from Holy Cross about this service. Motion by Bev, second by David, that we have this in our church. Unanimous

Building and Grounds: 

  1. Judi notified the board that BICS has again requested use of our GFC for testing on Wednesday, October 14
  2. Christmas Bazaar details. Judi talked about how they will be setting up tables with only two people behind each table; how to eliminate congestion, e.g. how many people can be in the hall at one time; face masks will be required; the Food Pantry will be selling soup for takeout only. Motion by David that we authorize this use, second by Bev. Unanimous
  3. Thanksgiving Dinner cancellation notification postings were discussed

Old Business: 

  1. Charlevoix Glass has given us an estimate of a total of $1,375.00 for the new glass windows in the parsonage. Half of that was sent to them as a deposit from the Womens Circle. We will have to pay for disposal of old glass, and have to provide for transportation of the guy when he gets here
  2. Endowment Fund info for website. It was suggested that we put a phone number for Rick on the website in order for him to answer questions, then discuss and circulate to the board.

New Business: 

  1. Judi handed the meeting over to Rick for vote for organizing the 20202021 officers. Rick entertained a Motion by David that Judi be the Moderator/Corresponding Secretary, and that Satch be the Treasurer, second by Bev. Roll call vote: Judiyes, Sueyes, Ralphyes, Davidyes, Satchyes, Bevyes. Unanimous. Rick handed the meeting back to Judi
  2. Snowplowing Motion by David, second by Judi, to give Jeans Crew the job. Unanimous

Round Robin: None 

Next meeting: Moved to November 16th at BIRHC

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00

Respectfully submitted

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



Board Meeting September 14, 2020, Gregg Fellowship Center 

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Opening prayer by Satch. Also present: Mary Ellen Dawson, David Howell, Rick Speck, Bev Vicstein. Absent: Ralph Williamson with notification. 

Welcome to recently elected board member Sue Oole. She is just a visitor today; term to start at October meeting 

Additions to agenda: Bev received e-mails from Ed Troutman; this will be discussed in financial report. 

Minutes of July meeting. Motion by David to approve as submitted, second by Satch. Unanimous. 

First reading of draft annual meeting minutes. The only changes should be that Judi’s moderator’s report and Mary Ellen’s Women’s Circle report should be attached to the minutes. 

Financial report for August was presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by David to approve as submitted; second by Mary Ellen. Rick abstains. Motion carried. Questions from Ed Troutman about the endowment fund – he wondered if a report should be put on the church’s website. It was discussed and decided that Rick and Bev will look into it and bring back to the board for discussion. 

Worship and Music: 

  1. Communion Sunday – Mary Ellen will set up.
  2. September 27 there is a vacancy – Greg Lawson has offered to do the service that day.
  3. October 4″ is a vacancy also – Chelsea Ryenhout will do the service that day.
  4. The Christmas Cantata for December was discussed – it was decided that there would be no Cantata this year because of Covid. 

Building and Grounds: 

  1. 50 chairs from GFC will be rented out this coming weekend.
  2. Bev Anderson has requested the GFC be used for her quilt retreat October 1-3. There will be a $50 fee charged each day. Motion by David, second by Bev, to allow this use. Motion carried.
  3. Trunk or Treat – we will hold this event with tables outside underneath the overhangs. Adults attending with kids will be responsible social distancing. If those wanting to put out decorations they should be battery-operated. No food will be served.
  4. Christmas Bazaar usually the 2 week of November. This is an ad hoc community organization that we should encourage them to do it, but put out less than normal tables and practice social-distancing and definitely require mask-wearing. Judi said her committee will come up with a plan and bring it to the board at October meeting to see if they can make it happen.
  5. Thanksgiving Dinner. Motion was made by David, second by Satch, that we should NOT have the dinner this year because of Covid. Roll call vote: Mary Ellen-support, Bev-support, David support, Satch-support, Rick-support, Judi-support. Motion carried.
  6. Use of GFC by church functions or community members’ use. Whether for profit-making or another use, the purposes for use are outdated and should be worked on.  
  7. Cookie Carnival. Mary Ellen brought this up because she wondered if everyone was in agreement that we should have this annual event. It was pointed out this is probably a Women’s Circle issue, and that they should discuss and decide on whether or not to have it. 

Old Business:

  1. Charlevoix Glass coming to the Island the end of September, will look at windows in Parsonage.
  2. Tree that has been discussed in last couple meetings is gone! 

Round Robin: None 

Next meeting: October 12 at Gregg Fellowship Center. 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 

Respectfully submitted, 

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary



August 17, 2020, 3:30 p.m., Gregg Fellowship Center 

Moderator Judi Meister called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m. Opening prayer by Pastor Lee Bracey. Also present: Mary Ellen Dawson, David Howell, Ralph Williamson, Rick Speck, Satch Wierenga, Bev Vicstein

Additions to agenda: None Judi just mentioned that Joyce Runberg passed away yesterday

Minutes of July meeting: Motion by David to approve as submitted (except one changeBuilding & Grounds b. one dead pine tree), second by Mary Ellen. Unanimous

Financial report for July was presented and discussed by Rick, Business Manager. Motion by Bev to approve as submitted; second by Ralph. Rick abstains. Motion carried

Proposed budget for 20202021 was discussed by Rick with the board and will be presented at the Annual meeting 

Worship and Music: 

  1. Communion next Sunday the same format will be used as the last Communion Sunday, Bev will set up
  2. Schedule for visiting pastors. Judi said that the scheduling has been difficult to set because of Covid; Judi will try to reschedule someone else for certain dates

Building and Grounds: 

  1. Ramp to storage building looks good, Ralph. Thanks!!
  2. Removal of dead pine tree Estimates were received from Levi Connor ($600), Jimmy Wojan ($500), and Dave Swartzfisher ($500). Motion by Mary Ellen, second by Ralph to accept Jimmy Wojans bid. Unanimous.
  3. Leaf blower purchase? This is tabled until next months meeting.
  4. Windows in parsonage need to be replaced. After board discussion, Mary Ellen made a motion that Mikes Glass in Charlevoix come over to measure and give us as estimate of the cost. Second by Satch. Then we can check with the Womens Circle and see if they would want to contribute to this expense. Unanimous

Annual meeting: 

  1. Slate nominees there are three nominees for three board openings. Motion by David, second by Rick, that the two incumbents Judi Meister and Bev Vicstein fill the threeyear terms, and Sue Oole fills the twoyear term. Judi and Bev abstain. Motion carried.
  2. Quorum for meeting was discussed 15 is needed.
  3. The board discussed about how to handle the nomination process for 2021.
  4. Judi asked if there any more items for the annual meeting agenda. None

Old Business: None

New Business: None 

Round robin: 

  1. Mary Ellen said she has talking to others about the possibility that they wouldnt be able to use the Peaine Township Hall for their sewing group. The group of usually 10 people meet on Wednesdays and she wondered if the board would be open to having their group meet in the GFC. The board discussed this and felt they would have to follow rules of GFC use.
  2. Judi said that Jude Martin had approached her about doing the wedding of his daughter in our church. Judi really did not have any info from him about what he wanted. Need more info from him before we can discuss it

Next meeting: September 14 at Gregg Fellowship Center

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 

Respectfully submitted

Kathy Speck, Recording Secretary