Beaver Island Christian Church
38215 Kenwabikise Ln
Beaver Island 49782
Phone : (231) 448-2599
Email :
Mission Statement
The Beaver Island Christian Church is a Christ-centered, caring, compassionate church where all are welcome.
Our Mission Statement is based on Hebrews 12:15: “Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God.” (NLT)
Vision Statement
We strive to demonstrate daily the ways of Jesus and the love of Christ by creating intentional relationships inclusive of all people, adhering faithfully to the Scriptures, and nurturing spiritual growth.
Located just north of the Ferry Dock, the Beaver Island Christian Church is just a short walk from lodging locations.
Thought of the Week
“We love because he first loved us.”
1 John 4 : 19
10 a.m. Sunday Service
Visiting Pastors
February 2 – Lily Johnson
February 9 – Brother Jeff Badgero
February 16 – Pastor James Trumble
February 23 – Pastor Dwight Hostetler
Please remember your brother and sister in Christ.
The apostle Paul reminds us, “All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful…Let no one seek his own good but the good of his neighbor” (I Cor. 10:23-24)
And Jesus says “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 23:29).
To donate to the Beaver Island Christian Church General Fund, click the button below.